Course Title

Environmental Sampling

A brief about this course

Qualification overview

Duration: 6 Hours
Price 800 AED
Environmental Sampling Training, with emphasis on sampling at federal facilities undergoing environmental remediation. Sampling personnel will become familiar with the technical aspects of environmental sampling and will understand the sampling process, including sampling process initiation by sample request/work package, sampling preparation activities, sampling activities, sampling documentation, and sample transfer to the analytical laboratory under chain of custody.
Topics covered at minimum

Course contents

Environmental sites and environmental samples

Importance of defensible samples

Importance of proper documentation

The well-defined and implemented sampling process

A review of sample types, including environmental quality control samples

Random vs authoritative vs systematic samples

Importance of contamination control in environmental sampling

Sampling equipment decontamination and most common mistakes

Environmental sample preservation

Preservation and sample shipping

Environmental sampling equipment and materials of construction

Case studies

Field screen sampling

Decon pad setup, use, and common mistakes

Investigation derived waste

Forming and properly mixing composite samples

Filling sample bottles, preparing sample labels, and preparing and applying COC seals

Preparing sample COCs

Field log book entries

Proper turnover of samples to analytical laboratory

Environmental sampling auditing

Stream sampling (including creeks, ponds, lakes, etc.), Sediment sampling, Leachate sampling, Groundwater sampling, Soil sampling, Multi-increment sampling, Media and scrap pile sampling,

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